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Oddbox опять отложили, зато теперь будут ачивменты!

Вот он я: Lorne Lanning: [quote]Here's the insider scoop. It's taken us longer than expected to bring these to market. Basically just production snafus. We have Munch near finished (in final gold now) and we're still working on Stranger. Stranger has proven much more difficult as we really pushed some rendering aspects on the Xbox and bringing that over to DirectX is a bit of voodoo. So it's taken far longer than expected to convert Stranger than we had initially anticipated. We're still aiming for 2010 but do not have a set month for release. We are working diligently on getting this done and making sure its all quality conversions. 3 down. 1 to go. Must happen in 2010.[/quote] Lorne Lanning: [quote]We're also building in the Steam Achievements for the games (all four of them), so Steam players will get the added advantage as it relates to their larger network achievements. We wish we had done this upon initial release of the Abe games on Steam, but will fix going forward.[/quote] -_- Переведу позже

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